Equitable Community Development and Design
The Bioregional Center addresses efforts to support the long-term development and livelihood of low-income communities with a focus on strategies for building individual and community capacity by enhancing social, physical, cultural, and economic assets.
Equity in Education
Education reduces poverty yet living in poverty makes getting a quality education nearly impossible. Education and poverty are place-based. How do the dynamics of place and poverty contribute to educational disparities between schools in low-income neighborhoods and wealthier neighborhoods?
Green Infrastructure and Climate
The Bioregional Center's team develops plans, projects and strategies designed to promote the use of green infrastructure to address critical urban and environmental planning issues, including stormwater management, brownfield remediations, and climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Healthy Living
The Healthy Living initiative encompasses place-based educational research and programmatic activities that promote physical, emotional and psycho-social well-being.
Urban Agriculture Incentive Zone Map
To combat food deserts within the San Diego community, we organized and led the effort to create a public, interactive map. This map highlights potential locations eligible for tax reductions under urban agriculture incentive zone acts, where community gardens can be established to reduce food insecurity within our community.